Y-Block Ford T-Bucket: Ted Kramer’s Snoopy Inspires Me

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Originally published almost 10 years ago, I’m happy to update this post with new info and pictures. Not only am I a T-Bucket lover, but also a Y-Block Ford lover! So, the June, 1963 cover of “Rodding & Restyling” magazine featured an interesting variant of the T-Bucket style: a 1927 T phaeton body abbreviated by chopping off everything behind the front doors and with a grafted on pickup bed of sorts. What really caught my attention, though, was that it was Y-block Ford powered.

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer SnoopyI had become a big fan of the Y-Block Ford underdog engine and loved nothing more at the time than seeing a small block Chevy get a rude awakening at the local 1/8 mile strip from one of these torquey, distinctive sounding mills.

So please indulge me for a bit, while I share just a few of the Western Kentucky Y-Block powered cars that I followed at the local drag strips.

Jerry Basham’s ’31 roadster powered by a Ford Y-Block.
Some pretty nice times for 1961 and it’s a 312 Y-Block bored out to 332. Not the old 332 FE.
Tommy Bell’s 1955 Ford C/Altered powered by a 312 Y-Block with a pair of teapot Holley carbs.
Tom Blackford’s Y-Block powered C/Gasser and his nicely matching tow car.
Tom Blackford’s Y-Block powered BB/Altered deuce coupe, McCulloch supercharged.
Wandel Brothers Y-Block Ford powered Thames gasser
The Wandel brothers’ Grandview, Indiana based Thames B/Gasser. (Let me know if you have pics of their ’56 Ford or Henry J Gassers).

Above are just a few of the local Y-Block powered cars that fueled my early years inspiration.

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

St. Louis area hot rodder Ted Kramer had built up a venerable 312 Y-Block Ford and put six Strombergs on top and with a magneto dependably firing off the combustion gases.

Ted Kramer

With that combination, Ted produced quite a competitive B/Roadster.

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

Fuel-Injected Y-Block Ford

Two years later, the June, 1965, “Hot Rod” featured three full pages on Ted’s “Snoopy: Speedy Stripster” and I was blown away by how Ted’s never-ending quest for a low E.T. had turned this into one of the coolest competition T-Buckets I had ever seen.

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

The Stromberg carbs had been ditched in favor of one of the few sets of Hilborn injectors produced for the Y-Block Ford engine.


And to complement that, the lakes type headers had been replaced by what Hot Rod termed a “trumpeter’s nightmare”.

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

Oh, how I wish I had been able to hear that snarling, popping Y-Block Ford through those eight zoomie pipes with their bell tip amplification of the sound!

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

And, the wheels up start picture was one of the best Hot Rod had ever run to accompany a feature car story!

Y-Block Ford T-Bucket Ted Kramer Snoopy

According to the story, Ted originally built the car for both street and strip use and that was evident in the Rodding & Restyling photos which showed its headlights, windshield, radiator, full interior and other street equipment.


Ted also proudly displayed an exclusive L.A. Roadsters club plaque on the car.

Ted went on to build some very competitive inliner powered T-Bucket and Austin Bantam bodied altereds which were quite successful in NHRA competition.

Ted Kramer Snoopy Altered

When Ted went with Ford inline 6 power, he built a new roadster based on a fiberglass ’23 T body and a lighter weight frame.

But even with the Ford inline 6, Ted kept the distinctive exhaust.

And the 6 was just as good at wheelies as the Y-block 8 had been.

Refinements on the 6 continued.

Eventually, the Ford 6 was replace by a Ford 427 V8.

Going even further in pursuit of performance he adopted the even lighter Austin Bantam body with the Ford 6.

Ted Kramer Austin Bantam

It should also be noted that Ted even had a Y-Block Ford powered T-Bucket street rod.


But, still today I can say “I love this car!” It screams hot rod and has been a very strong influence all these years.

John Morehead
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5 thoughts on “Y-Block Ford T-Bucket: Ted Kramer’s Snoopy Inspires Me”

  1. Whycome, you talk about them clackity-clack y-blocks and then show a video without saying anything about the blue 292 Chevy six in that higher wheelstanding altered T-bucket? They both have pretty unique sounds, and looks.

    • Good point, Ed. Yes, on his next “Snoopy” altered Ted got quite competitive at the national level with the Chevy 6. Maybe I’m disappointed that I couldn’t find any more pics or a video of Ted’s Y-Block T in its heyday. So, thank you for pointing out my omission. I actually like all T-Buckets with non-conventional engines. Just some more than others. 🙂

  2. This song rocks now i want to build a ford digger like this with a 200 ford sic banger i have from a 1965 comet that i,m building into a gasser!!


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