T-Bucket Trip Ups
T-Bucket Trip Ups: Vol. 3
You’re not storing anything other than wiring and possibly some tools under the seat so it just isn’t necessary to have a tall seat riser. Besides, you don’t want to have your passenger …
T-Bucket Trip Ups: Vol. 2
If you were going out for a night on the town you wouldn’t be wearing your “high water” pants, would you? In T-Buckets, as with most everything else we look at, it’s size and proportion …
T-Bucket Trip Ups: Vol. 1
“Trip ups” are those mistakes, sometimes small — sometimes significant, in judgement or in execution, that in my one man’s opinion, result in a T-Bucket that’s either less than perfect, uninspiring or downright hideous looking. Over the years, I’ve seen a lot of T-Buckets and have made mental note of the many trip ups that …