1927 T-Bucket Roadster Project: Part 10
“After I played around with putting side mounts on the engine, I decided that the mounts looked too big and out of proportion. So as sometimes happens, I went to plan B …
“After I played around with putting side mounts on the engine, I decided that the mounts looked too big and out of proportion. So as sometimes happens, I went to plan B …
“Hi Chester – I think I owned your red T-Bucket back in 2004,” was the message that produced a very pleasing discovery.
As we welcome in the New Year and thank you for your support and encouragement, let’s take a look at what we believe were Our Top 10 T-Bucket Blog Posts of 2011 …
Follow along this week as Bob Hamilton shows you how to mount a vintage Mustang steering box and construct the transmission crossmember.
This week, Bob Hamilton shows you an easy way to properly position the engine in a 1926 or 1927 T-Bucket hot rod roadster chassis.
Follow along this week as Bob Hamilton shows you how to build a rear panhard bar and mount rear shocks the right way.
Yes, Thanksgiving was over two weeks ago, but Bob Hamilton is still playing with wishbones. This time, though, he’s showing how to build up the rear suspension on his ’27 T construction project.
Follow along this week as Bob Hamilton shows you how he constructs the front and rear crossmembers.