Our StreetRod 101 Instructional DVD Series

StreetRod 101 how to build DVDs
The StreetRod 101 instructional DVD series encompasses over 12 hours of valuable “how to” build a hot rod information.

Once you have all the terrific T-Bucket building information we have available, you may actually want to see just how an experienced builder goes about each step of building a hot rod.

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a really great video is worth a million!

That’s why we’re extremely proud to be partnered with hot rod building expert, Bob Hamilton, on the incredibly detailed, high quality StreetRod 101 series of instructional DVDs. You’ll want to add all three sets as must-have references.

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  • Hot Rod Frame and Chassis Construction
  • Fiberglass Body Modifications
  • Fiberglass Body Work and Paint, Plus Chassis Prep


You’ll want to learn all about their valuable content (each set is 4+ hours) at our other website, www.StreetRodPlans.com.




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